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The Black Gold Leadership Election


NO NATION CAN STAND without capable and committed leadership. The Black Gold Nation is no different. To aid in the accomplishment of our goal of building a national leadership body that serves to protect and move forward the Black population of Afrikan descendants in America, we made history in July of 2017 via the first Black Gold National Leadership Election. The 2nd Black Gold National Leadership Election is August 26th-28th, 2022. 

Are YOU…or someone you KNOW…in possession of the necessary expertise and experience to lead? Have YOU…or someone you KNOW…demonstrated the undying love and commitment that our people need to help us empower ourselves to build power and win? Are YOU…or someone you KNOW…ready, willing and able to serve in a leadership capacity on a national level? Help the Black Gold Nation identify, vet, nominate, and vote for national leadership to move our people forward to empowerment and freedom.

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Agribusiness & Food Systems Economics

ONLY CABINET MEMBERS NEEDED - From large farms on hundreds of thousands of acres of land to Farmer's Markets to urban farming and gardening, Black people must have a way to become more self-sufficient as it pertains to feeding ourselves...and monetizing the efforts. More innovative, creative and constructive means to grow and deliver food to America's inner cities is a must. This department will focus on ways to make this happen.

Meet the National Director

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Biz. Dev. (Domestic)

Business Development (Domestic)

As so much is needed, and everything has a cost, we must always be looking to make current business ventures better as well as forever looking for new ventures to develop, partner with or expand upon. These ventures must be both national and international as every potential opportunity must be identified, researched/vetted, discussed, debated and, if it passes muster, seized upon.

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Business Development (International)

The need for local business development and political power are only going to be as strong as our business and economic relationships with Melanated, Black people around the world. Productive and strong strategic partnerships that serve the interest of both parties is a must have if we’re ever going to have the economic power we deserve and need.

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Biz. Dev. (International)

Community Development

Community Development

The mobilization and organization of the Black Community is paramount to our safety, forward progress and survival. Understanding our local economics, politics, locations of service and solutions providers as well as the predators, on every level, are things we must know. From the organization of streets to neighborhoods to zip codes, knowing who's in need, who's at fault and who can help are all necessary data we must not only have and know, but data we must use to win.

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Cultual Affairs

Cultural Affairs & Diplomacy

This department’s roll will be to ensure our African culture is immersed in what we do as much as possible. To ensure tradition is introduced, carried on and/or created. The CA&D department will also promote African arts and culture throughout the BGD as a way to ignite a powerful dialogue between both ourselves and those we may partner with to achieve a given goal. 

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Domestic Policy & Sustainability

Domestic Policy

Lays the groundwork to ensure that all things done within the contiguous United States is done with the best interest of The Nation and serves to educate, protect, maintain and grow the nation. From the individual supporter to the Department head, we must all work together, as much as possible, to ensure our energies and efforts make the Nation stronger and not weaker.

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Economics & Finance

Economics & Finance

ONLY CABINET MEMBERS NEEDED - What's our overall economic or financial value/worth? What can be done with that overall value/worth? Specifically, how do we take a percentage of that overall value/worth and not just use and apply it, but multiply it 10 fold for the betterment of the community? With a percentage of that overall value/worth, what kind of five, ten, twenty and fifty year plan can we develop to move us from where we are to the next level?

Meet the Director

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Education (Adult & Youth)


ONLY CABINET MEMBERS NEEDED FOR THE YOUTH DIVISION - A Knowledge of Self, "The 3 Rs", Tutoring, Trade School, College and Post Secondary education is all important. As a people, we must take a more fundamental, Afrocentric approach to how we educate both ourselves and our children. For without a firm foundation of WHO we are, WHERE we reside and WHY we must work together to build power for ourselves, we'll always be in the predicament we're in...a people with NO power to stop ANYTHING from happening to us.

Meet the Adult Education & Development Division Director

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Employment & Training

Employment & Training

Having the ability to take advantage of business opportunities is only the first step. Who is trained and employed per that first step is vitally important to the overall health, well being and survival of the Nation. the Black community must take the lead, as much as possible, to ensure that proper employment opportunities, and the training needed to secure these opportunities are always at the forefront of what the department does.

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Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

How do the activities in other countries affect Black people here in America? What international threats exist that may affect "The Homeland"? What international opportunities can we benefit from that will serve to move the community forward locally, regionally, nationally & internationally? Each of these questions are relevant and important and must be a constant discussion and focal point of address if we are to move beyond our current status in America, Afrika and the world.

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Health & Nutrition (Physical)

Health & Nutrition

As the Spiritual Healing & Well-Being department's primary purpose is to ensure the Nation's emotional and spiritual state is healing and forever in a healthy state of well-being and growth, the Health & Nutrition department's primary purpose is the physical health and well-being of the Nation. Working closely with the Domestic Policy & Agribusiness departments, the H&N department will continuously work to ensure proper diet, exercise and overall physical well-being is always at the forefront of what Nation members are benefiting from. 

Meet the National Consultant

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Information Technology

Information Technology

The National Information Technology (IT) Department will be charged with establishing, monitoring and maintaining information technology systems, services and threats both within and without the Nation’s institutions as well as ensuring proper IT disciplines are taught and understood. The IT Department will also have the responsibility of strategic planning to ensure that all IT initiatives support current and projected business goals. 

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Infrastructure & Development

Infrastructure & Constrution

ONLY CABINET MEMBERS NEEDED - As the Black Gold Nation begins to research, identify, vet, select and purchase land and abandoned cities/towns across the country, extensive expertise, knowledge and experience will be necessary to ensure the network of streets, water mains, and storm and sanitary sewers are as they should be. The IF&C department will build and/or upgrade these systems in various parts of the country, while also taking care of step streets, retaining walls, pedestrian bridges and plazas. The IF&C department will also help local businesses keep their doors open. Their innovative technologies and 5-Star expertise will help reduce disruption to commercial activities. 

Meet the National Director

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Legal (Domestic & International)


Legal representation and usage of the courts to move the Nation forward are both extremely important issues. We must continue to fight for the safety and liberation of the community via usage of the court system, not as an end all, but as yet another arm by which we conduct battle and wage war. Inclusive in this department's expertise and areas of responsibility will be the proper and best legal setup for business ventures and strategic partnerships both domestically and around the world.

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Mental Health

Mental Health

As the "Spiritual Health" Division's primary purpose is to ensure the Nation's spiritual state is healing and forever in a healthy place of well-being and growth and the "Health & Nutrition (Physical)" Division's primary purpose is the physical health and well-being of the Nation, the "Mental Health" Division works to ensure the psychological and emotional health of Nation members is sound and strong. Working closely with the "Domestic Policy & Sustainability" & "Cultural Affairs & Diplomacy" Divisions as well as the whole of the "Wellness Department", the Mental Health Division will continuously work to ensure mind, spirit and overall psychological well-being is always at the forefront of what Nation members are benefiting from.

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Smiling Woman
Media, Marketing & PR

Media, Marketing & Public Relations

We need to own and control not only our own media outlets, but we also need to actively push back against the negative images created and transmitted by the dominant culture of Black people to both a national and international audience. The Media & Public Relations department will also serve the interest of the several hundreds of Black owned businesses entities and programs that currently aren't covered.

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National Security

National Security

As the Intelligence & Defense Department focuses on threats from multiple fronts, the National Security Department focuses on threats from within. Natural Disaster Preparedness and Management, Community Policing, and Self & Community Defense Training, this department will ensure the Nation is on one accord and the same vibration when it comes to these domestic security issues.

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Political Strategy & Implementation

ONLY CABINET MEMBERS NEEDED - Voting Matters! Our votes are sacred and there's power when we vote as a unified block. From local campaigns to national elections, political power is a must as we continue to work to ensure our children have a future worth living in this country. 

Meet the National Consultant

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As kidnapped, subjugated and oppressed people who have been physically, psychologically and spiritually molested, raped and abused, we need counseling. Every Black person in America has been affected by the over 2,000 years of relentless and repeated anti-Black acts since our arrival to this country. The Spiritual & Psychological Department will ensure we have the processes and programs we need to reverse the programming forced upon us so that we can become a people again. 

Meet the National Consultant

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