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Become A Black Gold Supporter

Support the BUILDING of A Black Nation with Influence, Value & POWER!!!

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We are ALL we Need!!!

A very small amount from a very large Pool can be a powerful Combination. The LITERAL building of something with influence, power and VALUE can ONLY OCCUR if we invest in that building. There's NOTHING stopping us BUT us!

As of the posting of this website, the movie, "Black Panther" grossed over $950 Million dollars! A good portion of that amount came from people of color...and MORE is coming. It's not that we can't, it's that we don't use what we have, namely our: economic, political, intellectual and spiritual power.

So let's get about the doing!!!

The founders, members and supporters of the Black Gold Nation are asking you to invest in the building of a Black Nation WITHIN this American Nation. We're asking you to commit to giving $5 a month so that we can lay the groundwork of ensuring the next generation of Black children and leaders will have MORE than empty or incomplete promises from a system that's NEVER meant us any good.

Your $5.00 contribution goes toward...

  • Investing in currently profitable black Businesses

  • Building/Purchasing businesses in Black communities

  • Paying salaries for department heads and staff

  • Building/purchasing national and local Black Gold offices

  • Marketing & promoting the Black Gold Nation

Contribute TODAY to ensure we have a better TOMORROW!!!

If you want to donate for 3, 6 or 12 months, click the appropriate button below. Your subscription will renew every 3, 6 or 12 months depending on what option you select.

3 Months


6 Months


12 Months


If you want to contribute MORE than the requested $5, click the Donate button below. Your donation/investment STILL goes toward the above bullet list. This is a ONE TIME PAYMENT which means you'll be prompted every month by the BGN Office for the next payment.

"NO ONE can do EVERYTHING, but if EVERYONE does SOMETHING, everything WILL get done!"

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