"BGN Meet & Greet"
The Black Gold Nation's mission is to own and/or control municipalities, via the establishment of strong communities and institutional power, that serve to empower, free and advance the spirit, mind and body of Melanated, Black people. To accomplish our mission we must understand mobilize and organize the community for action.
"BGN Meet & Greet" is about conversation, planning and fellowship. We come together once a month to discuss the issues of the community, strategize on how we can best, and most practically, change those issues, methodically plan to ensure what needs to happen does happen while breaking bread in fellowship.
"Your Dish Is Your Ticket In!"
As long as you bring something to eat or drink, eat on or eat with or drink out of, you're welcome. "BN Meet & Greet" is open to any member of our community who's interested in moving our Black agenda forward. As we continue to meet, break bread and strategize, we'll inevitably establish a track record by which we can hold others and ourselves accountable for what we said we wanted and what we did to move the needle closer to us getting it.
On Thursday, February 24th @ 7:30 PM @ Workshop Houston (3030 Holman), come meet your extended family and help us mobilize, organize and change our communities.
"No one can do everything, but if everyone does something, everything WILL get done."