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Bro. Asar Imhotep

Bro. Asar Imhotep

Asar Imhotep is a software developer, Cultural Theorist and Africana researcher from Houston, TX whose research focus is the cultural, linguistic and philosophical links between the Ancient Egyptian civilizations and modern Bantu cultures of central and South Africa. He is currently continuing his education in Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence.

Asar is the founder of the Madu-Ndela Institute for the Advancement of Science and Culture. He is the author of such works as Where is the Love? How language can reorient us back to love’s purpose (2015), and Nsw.t Bjt.j [NOTE: pronounced NesuBiti] (King)in Ancient Egyptian: A lesson in paronymy and leadership (2016). He has contributed chapters to academic works including The Encyclopedia of African Religion (2008) edited by Molefi Asante and AmaMazama; and Unite et Pluralite de la Verite: Melangesenl’Honneur du Prof. Dr. Alphonse NginduMushete,Vol. I (2014) edited by R. MalabaMpoyi and KalambaNsapo. Asar Imhotep is a frequent contributor and presenter at the Cheikh Anta Diop International Conferences, and was also presented the DISA Award for “Intellectual Initiative and Academic Action” in 2015.

Asar is a noted speaker and philosopher and is currently organizing efforts in a nation-wide venture titled The African-American Cultural Development Project—a national project aimed at creating a framework for an African-American culture which will help vitally stimulate the economic, political, scientific and cultural spheres of African-American life in the United States. He also aco-founder of Black Science Month (October), that highlights and encourages African achievement and advancement in the S.T.E.M. fields.

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Craig B.Lee
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A native of Shreveport, LA, where he currently resides, Craig Lee is an alumnus of Xavier University in New Orleans, LA, where he earned a BS degree with honors in Marketing and Economics in 1989.  Upon graduation, Craig earned over 25 career offers from corporate America and various federal agencies.


During his corporate career, Craig worked for three (3) of the largest Fortune 500 & Global 500 corporations in the world:  Navistar International, BellSouth Advertising & Publishing and Astra Pharmaceuticals.  In 1993, Craig obtained his Series 6 and 63 securities licenses, and began working as a Municipal Bond Broker for McGlaughlin, Piven & Vogel Securities in Atlanta, GA.


In 1995, Craig left corporate America to begin his transition into his life’s purpose. For the past 24 years, Craig has established himself as a visionary Cultra-Social Entrepreneur, Cultra-Social Engineer, Black Empowerment Advocate and Corporate Grassroots Revolutionary.  Craig is the CEO of Creole Soul Louisiana Meat Pies; Chairperson of GET UP, Inc. – Generating Empowerment to Transform Under-served People; Vice Chairperson of NICE – National Institute for Community Empowerment; Chairperson of PAID – Political Advocates for Independent Democracy; Empowerment Coach, Financial Advisor, Public Policy Lobbyist, 21ST Century Freedom Fighter, public speaker, philosopher, musician, writer, spoken word artist and dominologist.  


Craig is the living embodiment of the classic Bob Marley song, 


“Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights.”


He is a ADVOCATE for the POOR and DISENFRANCHISED, and is dedicated to EMPOWERING the MINDS of GRASSROOTS PEOPLE throughout the WORLD – especially the YOUTH, for he strongly believes:


“Youth are like diamonds in the ruff; they must be CULTIVATED & REFINED if elder eyes desire to ‘C’ them SHINE.”


The Nubian Wise Man

Dr. Shelley McIntosh

Aswad Walker, associate pastor of the Shrine of the Black Madonna (Houston), is a lecturer in the University of Houston’s Department of African American Studies, Associate Director of the Texas Southern University Urban Research and Resource Center, Associate Editor for the Defender Media Group (Houston Defender) and author of five books—The 100th Monkey: Three Tales of Spiritual Revolution (January 2013); Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt: A Comparative Study of the Theological and Ecclesiological Views of Marcus Garvey and Albert B. Cleage Jr. (August 2012), Weapons of Mass Distraction: A Other Sermons for a New World Order (September 2004), Annual 0-1 (June 2020) and Stand Your Ground (June 2020). Aswad’s writings have also appeared in Dr. Jawanza Clark’s book Albert Cleage Jr. and the Black Madonna and Child, Palgrave Macmillan (2016); the Journal of Black Studies, volume 39, number 2, November 2008; the Frederick Douglass Encyclopedia, “Harper’s Ferry,” Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, December 2009; UJIMA Magazine, “Making History Today,” University of Houston, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences’ African American Studies Program, Summer 2003; and the Defender Newspaper,, 2006 – Present.


Aswad earned his Master of Divinity from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, and a B.S. in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin, where as a Heman Sweatt Service Award-winning student leader, he co-edited the Black student newspaper, The Griot.

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Paster Douglas
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Pastor Douglas Wray is no stranger to ministry. He has been at it for more than 40 years and has known since 1984 that God called him to Texas to plant churches. From 1984 through 2013 he has spent that time preparing himself for this assignment by faithfully serving under qualified leaders, in various areas of ministry, to become equipped and strengthened for this call. 

When it was finally time to launch out, it seemed good to him, to those who he submitted to, and to the Holy Ghost to go. He left Michigan and everything that was dear to him -- his family, his home, and his job -- to fulfill God's will for his life. 

My mandate as pastoral leader is to raise up other leaders, build a community of Kingdom-minded Believers, and plant other church-planting churches. Part of being a Kingdom-minded leader requires that I equip and deploy ready and qualified men and women so they too can do what God has called them to do.


Come check us out, we would love to meet you! Impact Church of Houston may just be the right place for you!

Tamani Mwandani

Tamani A.M. Mwandani is the cultural, social, political and revolutionary product of the Shrines of the Black Madonna of the Pan-African Orthodox Christian Church. While his introduction to Black history and consciousness began while serving in the US Army at the ripe old age of 18 where he served as an Administrative Specialist in the Operations Department of a Light Infantry Unit (1st Battalion, 27th Infantry), Tamani’s maturity into what most would label “the Black struggle” continued in the Shrine under the direct tutelage of Cardinal Mbiyu Chui and the indirect guidance and direction of the 1st Holy Patriarch, Jaramogi Abebe Agyeman (Rev. Albert Cleage), the “Father of Liberation Theology” and the Founder of the Shrines of the Black Madonna.    

After an Honorable Discharge from the Army in Oct of 1992, Tamani made the easy decision to relocate to Houston, TX at the behest and encouragement of one of his Army buddies in November. He joined the Shrines of the Black Madonna on the very next day. It was in the Shrine that Mr. Mwandani gained a full and more complete understanding of not only what it means to be Black in America, but what must occur if survival in America, as a people, is to ever become a reality. It was as a member of the Shrine that Tamani learned more about the true evils and effects American slavery has had on the Black psyche, but also, and more importantly, how to deal with and counter those effects. As a member of the Shrines of the Black Madonna, Tamani has served as a Missionary, Adult & Youth Group Leader, College Cadre Group Leader & Coordinator and Regional Community Outreach Coordinator as well as being trained for leadership in both the clergy and defense of the Black community.

A serial entrepreneur by nature, Tamani has been involved in a number of ventures on local, regional, national and international scales. He has served in the capacity of CEO, CIO, COO, VP & Sen. VP positions of multiple enterprises. Currently, Mr. Mwandani oversees the management and growth of multiple ventures; principally, he’s the Founder & Chairman of Mosiah Global Investments, an international private equity investment firm focusing 100% of its energy and efforts on Black owned and/or Inner city Directed/Developed Business Enterprises. Tamani’s is also the President & CEO of Clearly Written Solutions, a Technical & Business Communications, Website and Logo Development and Social Media Management company.

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